Last week I wrote the first part of a four-part series about foot pain at night.  Specifically, I talked about venous disease as a cause of foot pain.

Today, I want to talk about another common cause of foot pain at night: Raynaud’s Syndrome. 

As a quick review, last week we talked about the two main types of blood vessels in our bodies: arteries and veins.  Arteries bring blood from the heart to the feet under high pressure.  Veins bring blood back from the foot to the heart under low pressure.

Raynaud’s Syndrome is a disease of the arteries, particularly the small arteries, in the feet.

(Though Raynaud’s can also affect the hands as well). 

Before we dive into Raynaud’s Syndrome though, I need to briefly review another anatomical system in our bodies that is involved in Raynaud’s Syndrome: The nervous system.

In general, we have two broad types of nerves.

  1. There are nerves that are responsible for sensation and for moving muscle and
  2. There are nerves that are responsible for regulation of bodily function.

Diving a little bit deeper into the kinds of nerves that regulate bodily function, there are the

  • Sympathetic nervous system: The sympathetic nervous system, amongst other things, is responsible for opening blood vessels in the legs and arms and increasing blood flow when exercise is necessary
  • Parasympathetic nervous system: The parasympathetic nervous system in similar fashion opens the blood vessels leading to the intestines to allow for the digestion of food.

In patients with Raynaud’s Syndrome, sometimes their sympathetic nervous system does not function properly resulting in the constriction of blood vessels that lead to the hands, fingers, feet, and toes.  When it happens, blood vessels in the fingers and toes typically first turn blue because of the lack of oxygen; then white because of the lack of blood flow; and finally red, once the constriction ends and the blood flow returns to the fingers and toes.  During this constriction of the blood vessels, patients can have significant pain, numbness, tingling, and, in very severe cases, ulcers (defects in the skin with exposure of underlying fat and muscle) and gangrene (black and dead tissue).

Interestingly, environmental and social triggers play a significant role in Raynaud’s Syndrome episodes of vessel constriction.  Factors including stress, caffeine, alcohol or other drugs, and cold temperature can all induce a painful episode with lack of blood flow to the hands and feet.

Not much is known about the cause of Raynaud’s Syndrome or specifically why it happens.  Sometimes, Raynaud’s Syndrome can occur on its own without any other related disease.  In other cases, the patient has another inflammatory disorder like lupus or Sjogren’s Syndrome that is known to be highly associated with Raynaud’s Syndrome.

Though we do not fully understand the causes of Raynaud’s Syndrome there are many treatment strategies that can help.  Starting with behavioral modifications and certain blood pressure medications that can reduce spasm to specific procedures aimed to reduce the spasm of the vessels induced by the sympathetic nervous system, there is so much that I as a vascular surgeon can do to help patients with Raynaud’s Syndrome.  If you think that you might suffer from Raynaud’s Syndrome, please do not hesitate to call our office on 408-376-3626 to schedule an appointment. We Can Help!

Dr. Ignatius H. Lau

Vascular Surgeon

Dr. Ignatius Lau grew up in Portland, Oregon. He attended the University of Washington in Seattle for college and Stony Brook University in Long Island for medical school. He then went on to train in vascular surgery at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. During his time in New York, he performed over 1600 cases involving aortic, peripheral, venous, and carotid surgery. He has a special interest in limb salvage and treating patients with peripheral arterial disease and has extensive training and experience in treating the full spectrum of vascular diseases. Dr Lau was also very active in medical research during his training, ultimately finishing with twelve peer reviewed manuscripts. During his training in New York, he met his wife, Lisa, who is a practicing endodontist. Together they love to hike, try new restaurants, and travel.



Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a common and often underdiagnosed circulatory disease where blood flow to the legs and feet is restricted by the narrowing of blood vessels due to plaque buildup.


  • Smoking is the most powerful predictor of PAD: Are you a current or former smoker?
  • 1 in 10 Americans over the age of 40 have PAD
  • Do you or your loved one have diabetes?
  • Struggle with high blood pressure or cholesterol?
  • Suffer from kidney disease?
  • Risk for amputation is 10 times greater in patients with both PAD and diabetes vs PAD alone


With an early diagnosis, you may have more treatment options and may have a better chance to reduce or eliminate your symptoms. Left untreated, however, PAD can lead to amputation and put you or your loved one’s quality of life and long-term health at serious risk.

Dr. Polly G Kokinos, a board certified Vascular and General Surgeon in Campbell, CA. is recognized as one of the regions foremost authorities in the diagnosis and treatment of PAD. With offices in both Campbell and Gilroy, CA. Dr. Kokinos has dedicated her 24 year career to serving the South County community as a Vascular Surgeon and is a pioneer in the evaluation and treatment of patients suffering from Peripheral Arterial Disease.

Unlike other Vascular Surgeons in the region who do their work at a local hospital or in shared facilities, Dr. Kokinos’ does her surgeries in a private, nationally accredited Vascular Surgery Center of Excellence. She focuses entirely on treating patients suffering from complex vascular disorders and unlike a traditional hospital she has the most advanced imaging and device technology available anywhere in the world. Most importantly, unlike a Univeristy or community hospitals, Dr. Kokinos’ patients experience the individualized care of “One Patient, One Doctor and One Nurse” rather than the cold, informal “production” environment of a typical hospital.

If you or anyone you love suffers from any of the conditions listed above, please call our office at 408-376-3626 to schedule an appointment. Most insurances are accepted and our staff typically can schedule an appointment within a few days for an initial consulation and non-invasive vascular ultrasound study. All ultrasound testing is done in our on-site Vascular Ultrasound Lab, The Institute for Vascular Testing making it significantly easier for our patients to be fully evaluated in a single visit and in a single facility.

South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute: We Offer Hope When Others Say There Is None


Many patients as they get older, get up at night to go to the bathroom or because of difficulty sleeping. One serious problem that can wake people up at night is pain in their foot or toes.

This most often occurs in patients over the age of 65 who have a history of smoking, diabetes, high blood pressure, and/or high cholesterol. Some believe this is arthritis or gout, but it is often related to having poor circulation in the foot. The name for this in medical terms is “rest pain”. This is not “pain at rest” but rather pain that happens because the circulation cannot support the tissues even when they are at rest.

This is a sign of critical limb ischemia—another word for lack of blood flow. The arteries are so blocked that they cannot even deliver the minimal amount of oxygen the tissues in the foot and toes require to be happy. Patients often self-adapt to this problem, as it does usually develop slowly over time. They sometimes will tell you their foot doesn’t bother them at night, but on further questioning, you learn they sleep in a recliner or they sleep with their leg hanging over the side of the bed.

The trick here is that when the leg is hanging down, gravity helps pull down a little more blood to the foot so that it doesn’t hurt. Interestingly, the foot often also gets swollen, so the patient is often MIS-DIAGNOSED with a vein problem, not an arterial problem. …that’s why it is the “Right” experience that matters in diagnosing these kinds of vascular problems and why more local independent physicians refer their vein and vascular patients to Dr Kokinos than to any other vascular surgeon in the Silicon Valley Region. The patient often thinks that they get up at night to go to the bathroom, but the truth is the foot pain wakes them up, they get out of bed because that makes it feel better (again due to gravity), they go to the bathroom because they think they have to (or maybe really do), and then they can go back to sleep pain -free for a couple of hours. Usually , the pain does wake them up multiple times a night, and that ‘s why they often end up sleeping in a chair.

If this sounds like something you or someone you love is experiencing, it is important to tell your primary care doctor or to schedule an appointment DIRECTLY with a vascular surgeon. These symptoms are a sign that your body is giving you that you need immediate help. This truly is a sign that your foot is starving for oxygen and blood and that if left untreated, might lead to an unnecessary amputation. Help is possible, however and if treated early enough, those suffering from these symptoms can be helped significantly.

If you suffer from painful feet in the middle of the night, contact us today  at 408-376-3626 to learn more about PAD and how Dr. Kokinos can help, click here.

South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute: We Offer Hope When Others Say There Is None.