As a vascular surgeon, I perform two very different types of surgery: Open Surgery and Endovascular Surgery.

  • Open surgery is just as you might think!  It involves making an incision with a scalpel and using various tools like forceps, scissors, electrocautery, and needle drivers to expose and then repair specific structures.  Since the beginning of surgery itself, all surgeons, not just vascular surgeons, have been practicing open surgery.
  • Endovascular surgery is a recent development that only began in the 1990s.  Motivated by the desire to perform minimally invasive and less harmful interventions on the most sick and highest risk patients, pioneers in vascular surgery developed endovascular techniques.

Though the concept is simple, endovascular surgery now allows vascular surgeons to solve a multitude of problems with blood vessels very differently than they have in the past. Using advanced minimally invasive surgical techniques, vascular surgeons can treat many forms of vascular disease without the need to “cut-open” their patients to treat extraordinarily complex and in some cases life threatening diseases.

Endovascular surgical techniques utilize ultrasound (sound waves) to place the tip of a hollow needle into a blood vessel.  Once these hollow needles have been placed through the needle, we place a very stiff wire that allows us to advance large tubes called catheters into the vessel.  Catheters have many different functions depending on the situation and are used to re-establish blood flow in vessels that are diseased and or blocked.

For peripheral vascular disease, there are blockages in the legs of a patient that prevent blood flow from reaching the foot.  For peripheral vascular disease we can use balloons on the end of the catheter that are inflated to open a blockage.  If balloons do not work, then we can put a self-expanding metal mesh tube on the end of a catheter and then deploy it inside the blockage, thereby keeping it open.  There is also a technology called atherectomy which literally means cutting out plaque.  The atherectomy device has a cutting edge that sands down the plaque and then a suction function that removes all the debris.

For aneurysms, which are dilations of a blood vessel that can rupture, we use stent grafts, which are self-expanding metal mesh tubes that are lined with an impermeable fabric.  We place the stent graft above and below the aneurysm, thereby sealing it from the pressure created by the heart and preventing rupture.

At the end of these endovascular cases, the patient only has one or two 1 mm in size punctures over the arteries that were accessed.  Contrast this to the classic open surgeries where patients could have incisions up to 10 to 20 cm!  As a contemporary vascular surgeon, I take pride and joy in being able to offer both types of surgical interventions to my patients.  If you or your loved one may be suffering from vascular disease, please do not hesitate to call our office at 408-376-3626 to schedule an appointment today!


As a vascular surgeon, one of the more common questions I receive from patients and from friends and family alike is what do I actually do?  I find the question interesting because before I went to medical school, I did not even know that the field of vascular surgery existed!  Vascular surgeons operate on the blood vessels all around the body including the chest, arms, neck, abdomen, and legs. One key thing to remember is that Vascular surgeons do NOT work on a person’s heart. Heart doctors are more commonly known as cardiologists and cardiac surgeons.

There are two different types of blood vessels: arteries and veins.  Arteries are the tubes that bring blood from the heart to the rest of the body including arms, legs, head, abdomen, and legs.  Arteries allow blood to travel at high speed with the pressure provided by the contraction of the heart.  Common health problems like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, and diabetes can result in blockages of the arteries that lead to the foot.  Once the blockages are severe enough, a patient can have pain in the calves and feet as well as ulcers or gangrene of the toes and feet that do not heal.  In addition to the effects on the legs, patients can also develop narrowing in the carotid arteries that supply the brain, the arteries that lead to the arm, and the arteries that lead to organs in the abdomen.

On the other hand, veins are the tubes that bring blood back to the heart from the body.  After dropping off oxygen and nutrients to the tissue, the blood returns to a low-pressure state and thus moves at a low speed in the veins back to the heart.  Because of the low pressure, specialized structures called valves exist in the veins to make sure that after blood goes back to the heart, the blood does not reflux back into the vein.  When reflux occurs, the venous pressure can increase and cause ulcers, swelling, and varicose veins in the legs.

If you have ulcers on your feet that have not healed or varicose veins or swelling in your legs that are limiting your life, do not hesitate to call our office at 408-376-3626 to schedule a consultation. We can help!

Visit our website at www.southbayvascular.com to learn more about who we are, what we can do, and how we can help restore your circulatory health.

South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute

 25 years of compassionate vascular care for South Bay communities



Do you Suffer From Iliac Vein Compression?

To answer that question, take a few seconds to consider the following:

  • Are your legs swollen? Is your left leg larger than your right?
  • Is it harder to slip one shoe on in the morning than the other?
  • Have you had cosmetic or other surgical procedure done and not gotten the outcome you wanted?
  • Are you a cancer patient undergoing treatment or procedures?
  • Have you ever suffered from a blood clot or (DVT) in your leg
  • Do you visit a wound care clinic with little to no success?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, you MAY be suffering from a well known, but previously difficult to diagnose problem called May-Thurner’s Syndrome.

May Thurner’s Syndrome, also known as iliac Vein Compression, is a condition where the main artery supplying blood to the leg pushes down or compresses the main vein taking blood back to your heart. In the illustration below you can see in the far right graphic a “representation” of this compression. One way to help think of what happens when a patient suffers from iliac vein compressions is to consider what happens when a car tire partially runs over a garden hose in your driveway.

If the hose was “on” when you drove over it, water will continue to come out of the hose end but the flow rate will decrease. In a similiar way, blood returning to your heart will continue to flow if you have developed iliac vein compression, but the rate at which it returns is slowed down, resulting in a pooling of blood (i.e. swelling) in your leg.

Chronic pain and swelling in one leg (especially the left side) may be caused by Iliac Vein Compression. This is a little-known but fairly common condition that can greatly impact your quality of life—and may lead to more serious complications. In fact, studies have shown that in a full 30% of ALL people, the left iliac vein can be significantly compressed by the right iliac artery resulting in some kind of leg symptom….aching, heaviness, and most commonly, swelling or non-healing of wounds in the leg veins.

Swollen legs ARE NOT a normal part of aging or weight gain. And it’s not something you have to “just live with.”

Leg swelling is a special area of interest of Dr. Polly Kokinos, and she has been active in doing clinical research to find better ways to diagnose and to treat this condition. To diagnose and to treat this condition and the potentially deadly side effects caused by it (Blood Clots or Deep Venous Thrombosis) Dr. Kokinos has assembled a highly skilled team of vascular ultrasonographer’s who have developed a specialized screening protocol to evaluate for Iliac Vein Compression. Using state of the art ultrasonic imaging technology Dr. Kokinos’ Registered Vascular Ultrasonographer’s use this new protocol to scan up into the abdomen of their patients to examine the physics of the blood flow in this area. If a compression is identified during this ultrasound exam, Dr. Kokinos is able to further verify and treat this problem using a super specialized device called IVUS (Intra-vascular ultrasound) where she can insert a miniuture camera into the actual vein to determine the length of the compression after which she can place a stent to “re-open” this compressed vessel to re-establish normal blood flow.

To date, Dr. Kokinos has successfully performed over 200 of these iliac vein stent procedures in her state of the art out-patient angiography suite. She has lectured extensively at major vascular surgery meetings on her approach and success helping patients reduce leg swelling, increase the rate of wound healing and return to a normal way of living and is seen by her peers as an expert in this technique.

If you are currently experiencing a swollen leg, have a non healing leg, foot,or ankle wounds or have ever suffered a blood clot (DVT) please contact our office at 408-376-3626 to schedule an appointment.

Don’t suffer from swollen legs or non-healing leg ulcers any longer.

We can help!


Leg Swelling: Iliac Vein Compression
Chronic pain and swelling in one leg, (especially the left side) may be caused by iliac Vein Compression. This is a little-known but fairly common condition that can greatly impact your quality of life – and may lead to more serious complications. Leg swelling is NOT a normal part of aging or weight gain. And it’s NOT something you have to “just live with.”

Leg swelling is a special area of interest of Dr. Polly Kokinos, and she has been active in doing clinical research to find better ways to diagnose and to treat this condition. South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute is recognized as the leading treatment center for evaluating and treating left leg swelling. If you have been told there is nothing to do for your leg swelling, call us at 408-376-3626 for an evaluation. We offer hope when others say there is none!

About Iliac Vein Compression:
Iliac vein compression (also known as May-Thurner Symptom) is an anatomic condition that occurs when the left iliac vein gets squeezed and compressed between the lumbar spine and the right iliac artery. This compression prevents the adequate drainage of blood from the leg, which can cause serious problems such as swelling, aching, blood clots, and non-healihg ulcerations. (See Diagram)


  • Swelling, heaviness and aching in one leg, especially the left leg
  • Recurrent blood clots, especially in the left leg
  • Non healing wounds or dark dry skin in the ankle or shin

South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute is the leading leg swelling clininc in Northern California offering cutting-edge treatment options that very few other facilities can deliver. We are at the forefront of diagnosing Iliac Vein Compression using regular vascular ultrasound and in treating it with the newest endovascuar techniques using IVUS (intravascular ultrasound) and stents in an outpationt office setting.

If you or a loved one are suffering from leg swelling or any other vascular problems, please call our office today at 408-376-3626 to schedule an appointment. Our offices in Campbell and Gilroy remain open to safely treat patients even during the COVID-19 crisis.