Time and again, patients come to our office following a vein procedure by local Vein “Experts”, Vein “Specialists” and Phelebologists complaining that their legs continue to hurt and to swell even after their varicose vein procedures. Disappointed and scared, many of these patients have spent thousands of dollars, have undergone multiple procedures and have endured months of pain, only to find that they have been treated for the wrong condition and have been told that there is nothing else that their doctor can do to help them. Not knowing where else to turn, patients walk into our office knowing that something is just not right and hoping that we we can help.

The question is, why is this happening?

For the past 23 years the physicians and surgeons at South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute have dedicated their entire practice to treating patients with the full range of venous issues–from cosmetic spider veins to non-healing venous ulcers. Since 2005 alone, we have performed over 10,000 endovenous closure procedures in our office, and have done thousands more phlebectomies and sclerotherapy sessions in an effort to help our patients return to a normal life. At South Bay Vascular, we are not just a varicose vein treatment center or vein clinic; we are a group of board certified vascular surgeons, clinically trained to treat patients with problems in any part of their circulatory system. Treating varicose veins is not something we have learned at a weekend course or seminar as a way to augment our primary practice…veins are our primary practice and that is what we have been clinically trained to do.

Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. And that is why so many patients come to our office looking for help.

Many of our patients, having been previously treated for varicose veins by cardiologists, internists, dermatologists and phlebologists positioning themselves as Vein “Specialists” and Vein “Experts”, but have conditions far more complicated than “leaky valves” that show up as varicose veins. In most of the complications we see, patients have been treated by doctors thinking the problem could be easily fixed using a VNUS, EVLT or Sclerotherapy procedure. Unfortunately for the patient many times this simple procedure does not work because their underlying medical condition is a much more complex and difficult problem to treat. When a patients problems persists, these same doctors end up referring these patients to an emergency room or to a vascular surgeon hoping their complications can be undone. Worse yet, sometimes these same doctors simply tell their patients that there is nothing else that can be done for them.

In our years of treating patients with venous disease we have achieved a technical success rate using our endovenous VNUS and laser procedures of nearly 100%. But NEARLY 100% is a far cry from 100%. Some patients don’t feel better. Some patients, continue to have legs that ache, legs that remain swollen, and wounds that do not heal. Some of our patients were just not getting better.

Up until about two years ago, all we could do for those patients whose legs did not heal was to repeat the ultrasound and hope to find some other vein issue that we could treat. Sometimes this worked; but many times it didn’t. In the instances when we did find a secondary vein or discovered that a vein treated earlier just did not close entirely, we would proceed to treat this vein a second time; but even then, many of our patients simply did not get better. Our question continued to be Why?

After 20 years and tens of thousands of patients, we discovered that in certain patients, there was in fact, another mechanism in the venous system that was keeping our patients from getting better. It was called May-Thurners Syndrome.

What we have discovered is that in many of the cases where our patients did not heal, the problem wasn’t with the the Greater Saphenous Vein (the main vein treated in the vast majority of varicose vein procedures) but with the iliac veins; the vein between the belly button and the groin. What we discovered was that problems in the iliac vein could cause many of the same types of symptoms and problems that we saw when there were leaky valves in the leg veins. What we learned was that the problems with the iliac vein were usually the result of a compression or a scarring. What we discovered was that iliac vein compression (first identified in the early 50’s by Dr’s May and Thurner) happened because of the way the iliac vein is anatomically positioned between a beating artery and a hard pelvic bone and that often times this presented as varicose veins and swollen left legs.

Iliac Vein Compressions not only causes elevated pressure in the left leg resulting in aching, swelling, and non-healing wounds, but predisposes the left side to a much higher risk of blood clots after orthopedic surgery, long flights or drives, cancer, periods of immobility or bed rest.

Very few doctors, it turns out, are able to treat iliac vein compression, because one has to be a vascular surgeon and or an interventional radiologist to do so. Many of the so-called phlebologists, and “vein doctors”, who decided to abandon their field of training to treat varicose veins and other cosmetic issues, are not people who were trained in their residencies or fellowships to perform this type of procedure. Nor were they trained in ultrasound or in understanding the flow dynamics of the vascular system. Because of this lack of clinic training, they are unable to treat iliac vein compression, and so they ignore it, keeping many patients from options that could help improve their daily lives, relieve their leg swelling, and heal their leg wounds.

At South Bay Vascular, we have trained and have performed thousands of venus procedures and have treated hundreds of cases of iliac vein compression. We are experts in all aspects of vascular surgery, including conditions like iliac vein compression. Unlike phlebologists, we can offer all approved treatment options to patients for the treatment of their leg aching, swelling, and discoloration. Most importantly, it is our state of the art accredited vascular lab and registered ultrasound technologists who make so much of what we do at south bay vascular possible. Our advanced vein mapping and screening protocols, together with our national accreditation gives us the ability to do cutting edge surgical procedures; this is what sets us apart from nearly every other vein clinic and treatment center in the whole of Northern California.

Because of the advances in medical imaging and device technology, a large number of our procedures can be done on an outpatient basis in our office. Dr. Kokinos is a recognized leader in the area of deep venous disease and has treated more patients in northern California using Intravascular Ultrasound than any other physician in the region. As a result of her cutting edge treatment protocols and surgical techniques, Dr. Kokinos has been recognized as an international expert and has been an invited speaker at national vascular and interventional meetings in San Francisco, Miami, and Colorado over the last 6 months to discuss her findings and her treatment for patients presenting with these types of problems. Most recently she has been asked to speak at the main venous meeting in the United States, the American Venous Forum, where she will be presenting her clinical research on the use of non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques to diagnose and treat iliac vein compression.

Currently, Dr. Kokinos serves as the Medical Director of the Wound Care Centers at O’Connor and St. Louise Hospitals, and is the Chairperson of the Cardiovascular department at San Jose’s Good Samaritan Hospital. She and her partner, Dr. Carlos E. Pineda, are dedicated to offering patients suffering from both arterial and venous wounds the most cutting-edge and effective treatments available to save their legs, stop their pain, and improve their lives.

If you or anyone you know suffers from varicose veins, diabetic infections, non-healing leg wounds and or are facing an amputation, please call our office to understand your options.

We offer hope when others say there is none.



Every year over 160,000 amputations are performed in America. 60%-80% of Medicare patients who undergo amputation never walk again. Worse yet, there is a 30-50%, 2-year mortality rate following an amputation…meaning that between 30% and 50% of all patients undergoing an amputation die within 2 years of their procedure.

Recent advancements in both imaging and medical device technology have significantly improved a patients chances for a different outcome: avoiding amputation. Educating patients about these new procedures, however, is still very difficult because many of these new advances are known only to the surgeons and universities pioneering them. In fact, recent studies show that more than 54% of patients were not even assessed using diagnostic angiograms to determine if blood flow could be restored to their affected limbs prior to the amputation. Earlier this year, Medicare published figures showing that a full 67% of medicare patients who underwent a major amputation never even had a re-vascularization procedure in an attempt to save their limb.

Dr.’s Kokinos and Pineda are recognized as specialists in the field of lower limb re-vascularization and limb salvage. Having performed more pedal access re-vascularization cases (approaching the affected limb via the foot instead of the groin) than any other physicians in the region provides these South Bay Vascular surgeons with the experience and judgement to help patients avoid diabetic amputations and to treat patients with advanced cases of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) or what is otherwise known as Chronic Limb Ischemia (CLI).

If you or someone you know is facing the possibility of lower limb amputation, STOP! CALL US FOR A SECOND OPINION. South Bay Vascular is Taking a Stand Against Amputation and you should too. Call us at 408-376-3626 to schedule a thorough evaluation of your options. We are specialists in the area of lower limb re-vascularization and we provide hope when others say there is none.



South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute is pleased to announce the launching of our new Amputation Prevention and Limb Salvage campaign. Keep an eye out for one of our new ads throughout San Jose and the South Bay.

Dr.’s Kokinos and Pineda are at the forefront of research, development and treatments in the speciality of limb preservation. Our new campaign is designed to help patients facing the threat of lower limb amputation understand that there may still be hope for keeping these limbs. Recent advances in both imaging and medical device technology have entirely changed the field of limb preservation and have enabled vascular surgeons to help patients suffering from these problems in ways that were not available 3 years ago.

As leaders in the field of limb preservation, Dr.’s Kokinos and Pineda specialize in the treatment of lower extremity limb preservation and in the diagnosis and treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) and Chronic Limb Ischemia (CLI). Newly developed minimally invasive surgical techniques are helping patients save limbs by re-establishing blood flow to these impacted areas in ways that were just not possible in the past. Many of these surgeries can now be done in our state of the art angiography suite without the need for patients to be hospitalized and which enable patients to return home the same day of their procedures.

Patients facing a potential lower limb amputation are encouraged to call our office to understand how these new technologies may offer them hope when other say there is none. If you or your loved ones know anyone facing the possibility of an amputation, STOP! Call our office for a consultation on how we can help. We look forward to continuing to serve the south bay community and to help our patients “Get Back Their Life”

Please call us at 408-376-3626 to schedule an appointment and to see how we can help.

We’ve included copies of our new add campaign and hope they help to spread the word on how we can help. Take a look!


Dr. Kokinos will be presenting an abstract on her clinical research regarding iliac vein compression at the national American Venous Forum in New Orleans early next year. This meeting is the largest venous meeting of the year, and is sponsored by the Society for Vascular Surgery.

Dr. Kokinos has been recognized nationally as an expert on May-Thurner’s Syndrome, or iliac vein compession. This problem can cause symptoms of (predominantly) left leg swelling, heaviness, aching, deep venous clots, and non-healing ankle or leg wounds. She has performed more intravascular ultrasound exams and stents of the deep venous system than any other doctor on the West Coast in the last year. She will be presenting her clinical research on using regular ultrasound, done by the specially trained registered vascular technologists in the ICAVL accredited Institute for Vascular Testing to diagnose this fairly common but widely underdiagnosed issue. Previously, patients needed to get CT scans which used significant amounts of radiation and contrast for the diagnosis. This problem is not only seen because of a common anatomic situation, but also often as a result of an undiagnosed blood clot (DVT) in the iliac or femoral vein after orthopedic, back, or gynecologic surgery.

If you have one leg that is more swollen or painful than then other, or have had a leg blood clot in the past, please call us at 408-376-3626 or visit us at www.southbayvascular.com.


18 Million Americans Suffer from Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). Left untreated, PAD can lead to amputation. Each year 160,000 amputations are performed as a result of peripheral arterial disease.

South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute is Taking A Stand Against Amputation. Dr. Pineda and Dr. Kokinos recently attended the “Advanced Orbital Atherectomy Course in the Treatment of Complex PAD Below the Knee” at Metro Health Hospital, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This course was led by Dr. Jihad Mustapha, a thought leader in the field of critical limb ischemia. The techniques included using alternate access sites (using the arteries at the ankle and foot for access), instead of using the traditional groin site. The course also included treatment of arteries in the foot, with the main goal being on limb preservation and amputation prevention. To date, Dr.’s Kokinos and Pineda have performed more procedures using pedal access than any other surgeons in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, and are recognized as leaders in this area.

The practices expounded by Dr. Mustapha and his team are the same techniques and principles the vascular surgeons at South Bay Vascular use in their care and treatment of PAD. These include: identification and aggressive medical management of risk factors, minimally invasive interventions when indicated, and continued surveillance to detect issues before they become clinically apparent.

At South Bay Vascular, we do use alternate sites frequently, and by using this approach, decrease the rate of groin complications and the length of time that the patient has to remain flat after a procedure. Furthermore, with our growing population of diabetics and patients with kidney disease, we are better equipped to manage critical limb ischemia and prevent amputations. This course is in support of our focus on taking care of patients at risk of losing a limb.

If you or a loved one is diabetic, has kidney disease (is on dialysis), or has been told they need an amputation, please contact us for a consultation with one of our surgeons and together we will Take A Stand Against Amputation.


Polyxene Kokinos MD, a Board Certified Vascular and General Surgeon of South Bay Vascular Center and Vein Institute was named today as the new medical director of the O’Connor and St. Louise Hospital’s wound care clinics. Dr. Kokinos brings over 25 years of vascular surgery experience to her new position as medical director and is recognized as a national expert in the treatment of peripheral vascular and arterial disease. Dr. Kokinos has a special interest in the treatment of lower extremity and deep venous disease and is recognized as one of the country’s leading experts in this area. Currently, Dr. Kokinos serves as the Chairman of the Cardio Vascular department at Good Samaritan hospital in San Jose. and is honored to accept her new medical directorship at O’Connor and St Louise hospitals.

Highly sought after as a speaker, over the past 4 months Dr. Kokinos has presented her research in deep venous disease at the OEIS national meeting in Miami, Fl.; Western Vascular Society in Colorado Springs, Co; Northern California Vascular Vascular in San Francisco, CA.; and has recently accepted an invitation to speak at the nations largest gathering of Vascular Surgeons at the American Venous Form of the Society for Vascular Surgeons scheduled for New Orleans, Louisiana in Feb of 2017.

Together with her Vascular Surgeon Partner, Dr. Carlos E. Pineda, Dr. Kokinos is excited to expand the current wound care practices at O’Connor and St. Louise Wound Care Clinics to include a specific focus on Chronic Limb Ischemia and Limb Salvage. To this extent, her experience using intravenous ultrasound (IVUS) to help diagnose and to treat deep venous disease, together with her experience delivering state of the art minimally invasive treatments for deep venous disease promises to be an exciting time as she works to transform these regional wound care clinics into world class centers of excellence.

Congratulations Dr. Kokinos on this new appointment.